Great Strategy You Must Apply For Business

The number of social media users is keep increasing day by day. Therefore, it is good for you to use social media to develop your business. However, you have to know how to delete direct messages on Instagram from the inappropriate users who are trying to send bad message.

Direct message on Instagram is one of Instagram feature that allow user to send personal chat or comment to other users so other account cannot see the message. This feature is used to make the conversation more private.

Great Strategy to Develop Your Business

Nowadays, there are so many competitors that run online shop and uses social media to develop their business. Here are some strategy you must follow:

  • Determine the goal

Once you decide to use social media to develop your business, you have to understand the purpose or the goal of it. What do you want to do with social media? What do you expect from them? And what is your long- and short-term goal by using this?

All of those answer must be the goal of the use of social media. You also need to estimate the problem and the possible solution you must do in the future.

  • Check your competitor

Rather than fully copy the strategy of your competitor, it is better to follow the basic and develop your idea for your business strategy using social media. It is good to check your competitor social media so we will know what we should or should not do when they post something. Then, you can modify their weakness to be your strength and give you plus pint in front of viewer.

  • Make interesting content

Currently, photos and videos are great for promotion in social media. They give more convincing and impressive effect to the viewer. However, do not put exaggerating caption once you have decide to make a great photo or video.

In some cases, the photos and videos are great but the wrong caption makes it down. Let the photos and videos deliver its message to the viewer. You also can make the content based on the message or comment from your viewers. Moreover, now we can easily know how to delete direct messages on Instagram to minimize the bad information or comment from them.

  • Collaborate your content with influencer

This strategy is also great to develop your social media. Currently, the influencer from certain social media show their talent and catch more attention and viewer from their fans. The influencer can successfully promote our product or social media so their fans will recognize your brand.

Since there are so many influencers for each social media, you also need to choose one of them who fits with your product. For example, if you want to promote your food products, choose influencer who like to eat those foods so the message can be delivered successfully.

The Most Common Mistake Of Using Socmed For Business

Here are some of common mistake you need to avoid while using social media for your business:

  1. Upload the same or similar content. We have to make different content so the viewer will not feel bored.
  2. Do not post the latest information for long time. If you decide to use social media, you should post your latest or current condition of your product or service to your viewer.
  3. Ignore the comment. It is important to reply or send response to the viewer or customer to build relationship. However, it is OK to understand how to delete direct messages on Instagram to avoid confusing comment or message.

How to Find Low Interest Personal Loans For People With Bad Credit

In this pandemic situation, most company tries to minimize the cost by reducing the number of its employee. As result, the number of unemployed people increased sin the beginning of last year. Life is going on and jobless people should find best instant personal loan to fulfill their need.

However, for people who have had personal loans may get difficulties in finding the new personal loan for their need. Moreover, people with bad credit record, the bank, credit union, or online personal loan will reject their loan application to minimize the loss risk.

Who Are People With Bad Credit?

In this industry, there are so many typical of people who apply for personal loans. The economic conditions between one to other people is different each other. So, people with poor economic conditions cannot pay the installment on time. Even, some of them cannot pay the loan for some period.

These kinds of people later are categorized as bad credit for personal loan. The status is getting dangerous if the people has more than one personal loan and each of them has bad record about late payment or skip the payment for several month.

How To Find Low Interest Personal Loan For Them?

If you are categorized as people with bad credit, do not worry because you still have a chance to get another best instant personal loan. However, firstly you must pay the late payment for the previous month to lower the bad record of bad credit record.

Here are some points you must consider to find the personal loan with bad credit:

  • Low interest rates and installment

Each bank, credit union or online personal loan has its interest rates and installment for certain amount of loan. It is better to find the party that offer low interest rates to minimize the monthly cost for each month. Moreover, the amount of the loan also will determine the number of interest you have to pay for each month.

  • Specific Requirements

Commonly, personal loan need certain collateral as the assurance. However, for online personal loan, because it is done by online, usually the credit company does not require any collateral as the assurance.

The requirement of the personal loan may vary but generally they need your ID card, passbook, credit card, family card, employment certificate, and certain collateral.

  • Monthly installment term

The term of monthly installment must be different between one to another bank, credit union, and online personal loan. Usually, you can decide the period of monthly installment based on your economic condition. The shorter period such as 12 months requires more amounts of installment fees.

On the other hand, the longer period will allow you to pay less installment fees for each month. However, the interest rates also will increase more than the shorter period. So, you have to pay extra up to 150% for the interest rate only.

The Fastest Way to Get the Best Instant Personal Loan

It is hard to find the job in this current situation, therefore, you can get personal loan to start your business. Here are the fastest way to get personal loan you must follow:

  • Fixed Income

Make sure that your fixed salary per month can pay your installment cost. The fixed income will minimize the risk of late payment and avoid bad credit record.

  • Good Credit Record

The credit company that offers Best Instant Personal Loan will prefer people with good credit record with stable loan and regular payment.

  • Determine the goal

Usually, people will take personal loan to start a business. Therefore, you have to determine the fixed goal or purpose of the loan.

What Are The Differences Between Cinematography And Videography?

The use of digital technology has led to many foreign terms. In the past, the cinematography was probably only used as a term for the science of making a film. But nowadays, we can find this one term outside the scope of the film industry and best free video editing software for desktop. The use of the term cinematography can be applied to the art of producing ordinary videos as well. Actually, the term needs to be replaced, because what is more appropriate is the term “videography”. These two terms are terms in the visual and audio fields. The difference between videography and cinematography is very slight.

Some Points Of Difference Cinematography And Videography

If you want to know the difference between the two terms above, then you can refer to the information below. For those of you who are videographers, you must know and position the term appropriately. In order to be in accordance with the project being worked on.

  1. Medium Usage

Film selection is one of the most important things in cinematography. But along with digital development, the medium used to capture moving images is not limited to the use of film cameras. Today, there are many cinematographers who have switched to digital cameras. One of the reasons is because digital camera technology for making films is constantly evolving. The end result of the video can be said to be quite the same as the video using a film camera.

So that digital cameras have been used by many people for various purposes. However, the term cinematography is still a science that prioritizes each visual element. These elements are very important for building a film. From using quite the same medium, it does not make the goal of creating a product between these two terms the same.

  1. Technical Differences

Videography includes video post-production processes such as editing. These stages are usually done by an expert and done by the same person. Videographers can work alone, but can also work in teams. Meanwhile, cinematography will certainly require a team to work optimally because the production scale of the two terms is different. Cinematographers do not work to operate the camera but need a camera assistant to complete the production stage and use best free video editing software for desktop. There is a common mistake that often occurs, the terms used in cinematography and videography are often the same. So that this can then be confused.

  1. The Essence Of Cinematography And Videography

Videography is based on digital technology and prioritizes camera techniques and the art of capturing moments. Apart from that, videography is also a way of producing high-quality videos. However, if you consider these various elements, it does not mean that the result of the video is for film/cinema needs. Meanwhile, the term cinematography can be said to be an art to convey a message, then represent it through a visual display. The term cinematography is also a visual communication of art, it can be said that the language to be told through film.

  1. History

Furthermore, we need to know the history of the term cinematography and the term videography. Since the film industry emerged, the term cinematography has become a science applied to the cinematographer profession. Such experts are commonly referred to as DP / DoP or “Director of Photography” in film production. The term cinematography includes all elements that refer to visuals and are displayed on the screen when the film is shown.

Meanwhile, videography is used after there is an electronic medium that is useful for capturing moving images. In addition, videography is also as described above, digital-based videography and can use best free video editing software for desktop. The use of a video camera will be very important, videos that are specially made are broadcast on electronic media.

Best Exercise At Home For Everyone

There are many benefits of exercising with workout schedule template. With us exercising regularly, it is very important to be healthy for the body. Even though we have a busy schedule, we have to keep exercising. Not only outside, but indoors can also be a fun place for us to exercise at home with other families.

Some Workout Exercises That Can Be Done At Home For Everyone

Some of the following types of exercises don’t have to use sports equipment so they won’t make it complicated. For many people who want to exercise but want simple exercises, here are some of them.

Jumping Jack

There are many sports exercise movements that we can try to practice at home, one of which is jumping jacks. If you don’t know the jumping jack, you can try imitating the jumping jack from the Youtube video. Doing jumping jacks is not only easy, this movement is also a cardio exercise. So jumping jacks are good for warm-up purposes if you want to do strenuous exercise. Apart from jumping jacks, there are many other simple exercises.

Leg Lift

There are also exercise movements for simple sports, such as leg lifts. You can do this leg lift exercise easily at home. With the leg lift movement, it is useful to strengthen the muscles, especially in the leg muscles. Because as the name implies, this one exercise rests on leg strength. You can also combine leg lifts along with other exercise movements as needed. For example, leg lifts can be combined with a push-up.

Push Up

This one exercise is very well known to many people and has been done by many people. The push-up movement itself is very simple so it is suitable to be done anywhere, including at home. Although the push-up movement are very simple for workout schedule template, there are also many variations in the types of push-up. With a wide variety of push-up, it can be done together with other exercises. You can easily do push-ups at home at any time without having to use tools.

Sit Up

Push-up isn’t just a type of exercise that you can try at home. There are other exercises that are recommended for many uses such as sit-ups. By exercising sit-up, it can be useful to strengthen the muscles, especially the abdominal muscles. With sit-up, it is also very effective in toning the muscles. Many people have a sagging stomach. By doing regular sit-ups, you can overcome this problem. So that your sagging abdominal muscles can get tighter. But the results of tight muscles from doing sit-ups cannot be obtained instantly.


We can not only run jogging outside the house. If the conditions require you to always be at home, then you can just try jogging indoors. A large area of ​​the house can be an area for jogging. If you do jogging runs at home, it will be more comfortable. Because you don’t have to carry drinks and other necessities. We can also do jogging while watching TV shows. You can also jog while listening to music through the speakers. That way, you will be more enthusiastic about exercising more regularly.


There are also squats that can be useful for strengthening your back and leg muscles. You can try doing squats by standing and then sitting. Prepare a chair in your house with medium height for routine squats. You can try doing squats repeatedly. Actually, there are many other workout schedule template that we can do at home. we can also try to lift weights. There are already many types of dumbbell weights that can be adjusted to your own strength.