The Role of Video Production Companies in Media

It is predicted that video will still be an important tool in this new digital world, video content will be among the most commonly found content, up to around 85% on all websites throughout the world.

However, currently, not all businesses have expertise in producing quality videos. Therefore, it is very important to collaborate with video production houses such as SNXP Studio – a video production company.

Video content is considered easier to hold users’ attention and focus for a long time. The support from the visuals displayed in the video can also leave a deep impression on the audience so that there is a greater possibility of attachment and encouragement to take further action until it reaches a purchase or agreement between you and your prospective client.

The following are several reasons why you need to use professional video creation services, especially for marketing purposes

1. Engaging World Quality Content

Video production companies that specifically have expertise in the field of video production can work on videos according to your business needs, introducing your products and services effectively and efficiently. They can make your audience turn their attention to you with the quality of the videos they make.

Video production companies will have the tools and expertise to produce quality video products that suit business needs than if you produce them yourself. Using professional video-making services means that you have chosen the right investment step by making videos that attract audience interest and can increase sales.

2. Strength of Storyline

An interesting and easy-to-understand storyline is the most effective way. The video production agent will understand your vision well and will later express it in a storyline that appears through extraordinary visuals.

Your audience can get effective content because they can convey the story well and make your product more easily connected to the audience. Successful content will be determined by an interesting storyline and that is what you can get if you choose to use a trusted professional video creation service.

A storyline that provides great inspiration will make your audience engage and take action after watching your video, such as buying the product or using the service you are promoting.

3. Video Production Series

The video quality is like being produced by the careful thought process of video experts. This process includes pre-production, production process, and post-production stages.

Each stage will require special and unique equipment. In general, businesses will try to produce their videos to reduce costs, but the results will not be better than those offered by professional video production services such as SNXP Studio – a video production company.

The hopes and goals of making videos can be achieved by choosing to collaborate with the best video production house or company.

4. Cost Effectiveness

High costs are a consideration for many businesses choosing this service, even you might think the same. Know that using video creation services can save your costs in the long term and be more effective.

The investment value in question comes from the costs incurred for the production of quality videos that are timeless and can be used again in the future with a value that still has an impact because of their quality.

In general, it will be more cost-effective to use a video creation service than to make a video yourself because the video company already has the resources and equipment to produce high-quality videos according to the business owner’s wishes.

5. Saves more time

It takes a long time to produce high-quality videos. With a production agent, you will be helped in achieving the specified target audience.

Your success story will be presented as best as possible and shown it with an inspiring story about how you have been dedicated to your customers all this time. With this content, you can attract new potential customers and turn big prospects into big and sustainable income.

The choice of collaborating with a professional video-making agency means that you delegate the difficult and long process of making videos to the right hands, while other things that are no less important and can only be done by you can be handled better because the time allocation is divided proportionally by paying attention to the priority scale.

6. Social Media Engagement Increases

Engagement on social media can increase well and rapidly with video posts. With this, you can invite your audience to be more involved and ultimately introduce your brand to them.

Video content is considered to leave more of an impression than posts in the form of text or images, so it can make your audience more engaged, and familiar with and increase awareness of your brand. Your brand will also be easier to find in internet browsers when the keywords users type are relevant to your product.

Video production agents can customize videos that can be used optimally on various platforms, such as Instagram, X, Facebook, and YouTube. That way, it will be easier for you to reach potential customers widely and on target.

That’s a review of the benefits you can get when you choose to use the services of a video production house to increase your audience reach, introduce your brand, and ultimately develop your business.

Don’t hesitate to choose one of the credible production houses such as SNXP Studio – video production company that is known for its portfolio of many collaborations with well-known and proven brands.

A Closer Look Bali’s Beautiful Architecture

Bali is a small island that has a wealth of unique architecture. Bali’s architecture is based on Balinese Hindu principles. Arkana Architects – Bali Architecture Firms is a group of experienced architects who create attractive Balinese architectural works by combining traditional elements with modern designs.

History of the Development of Bali’s architecture

Based on a 2020 journal by I Kadek Dwi Noorwatha from ISI Denpasar, the history of the development of Bali’s architecture provides an overview of the architecture of the next period so that it does not eliminate the elements that existed in the previous period.

For example, the architecture of the ancient Balinese period, Bali Aga and Bali Mula architecture were still maintained in the Bali Aryan era, even into the modern era. Proving that Bali’s architecture can adapt to architectural developments and coexist with diversity.

Bali’s Architectural Riches

Buildings in Bali that are famous for their traditional architectural style are temples and traditional houses, which in determining their design take into account many factors such as climate and environment.

Generally, these buildings have terraced and wavy roofs with beautiful ornamental decorations. The architectural style is also increasingly artistic with very detailed carvings. Traditional Balinese buildings are usually made from natural materials, such as wood, stone, bamboo, and straw.

Modern buildings in Bali also maintain traditional styles to maintain the uniqueness of Bali’s architecture. For example, the Hay Village villa complex in Canggu by Arkana Architects – Bali Architecture Firms was built by combining elements of traditional Balinese, Javanese, and Sumatran architecture, as well as a touch of the peaceful atmosphere of Ubud.

Balinese Architectural Concept

Bali’s architecture has a deep philosophy. Balinese architectural buildings are built based on the following concepts.

• Tri Hita Karana

Tri Hita Karana also means three causes of prosperity in life, including the relationship between humans and God (Khaya), humans and the environment (Angga), and humans and each other (Atma).

• Tri Mandala

The Tri Mandala concept regulates the layout of the room in certain positions, including:

  1. Nista Mandala, front room for daily activities.
  2. Madya Mandala, the middle room is for the family room and dining room.
  3. Main Mandala, back room for worship and storing valuables.

• Sanga Mandala

The Sanga Mandala concept has a philosophy of depicting the nine cardinal directions, in the form of Kaja-Kelod (mountain-sea) and Kangin-Kauh (sunrise-sunset). Sanga Mandala is used as a sacred reference when determining the location of temples and the position of Bali’s architecture and pays attention to the four pancathadu (water, earth, fire, and air) in spatial planning.

• Tri Angga and Tri Loka

The Tri Angga philosophy means three parts of the human body that are closely related to the 3 values ​​of the physical body, the head which regulates the microcosm, the body which regulates the middle area, and the feet which regulate the macrocosm.

Then, the Tri Loka describes three loka (nature), including pati (lower realm), buwah (middle realm), and swah (upper realm). On the scale of the earth’s regions, they are mountains (main), land (madya), and oceans (nista).

• Asta Kosala Kosali

These are the rules in Bali’s architecture which consist of eight aspects, including size, shape, arrangement, location, direction, materials, colors, and ornaments.

• Arga Segara

Arga Segara (mountain to sea) or Kaja-Kelod (North-South) is a Bali architectural concept based on the cardinal directions. The mountains are intended as the abode of gods (parahyang), the plains as the world of humans, and the sea as the world of evil creatures.

Factors Affecting the Wealth of Bali’s Architecture.

Bali’s architecture is influenced by various factors. The following is an explanation of the factors that influence Bali’s architectural riches:


Bali’s architecture is strongly influenced by religious elements, such as Balinese Hinduism. The concepts used are Tri Hita Karana and the Tri Semaya (past, present, and future).


Culture influences the spatial planning of Bali’s architecture with the philosophy that humans are elements of the universe.


The environment is a factor that influences Bali’s architecture, where traditional or modern rules also discuss environmental issues. The concept used is Tri Angga to group land use and Asta Gumi for building layout.

Technological Development

Technological developments influence the Balinese architectural style, which is usually used to build modern houses. The materials used are concrete and steel but still retain the ornaments and carvings that are characteristic of Bali’s architecture. One group of architects who have implemented technological developments in Bali’s architecture is Arkana Architects.


Bali has a tropical climate, which influences the Balinese architectural style. For example, traditional houses always have good ventilation and use natural materials to keep the rooms inside the house cool.

Bali’s architecture is not just about beautiful buildings but reflects the rich culture of the Balinese people. Not surprisingly, Bali’s architecture is an inspiration for many architects around the world.

One of the Balinese architects who is experienced in Bali’s architecture is Arkana Architects – Bali Architecture Firms, a group of architects who are skilled at combining modern and traditional Balinese elements.

Ideas of Memorable Gift for Boyfriend

In a romantic relationship, separation is something that neither partner wants. Whether long or short, this can make everyone feel anxious and lose enthusiasm, so it is important to provide something memorable. You can give a gift for boyfriend to give him unforgettable memories.

This gift is also a form of bond that will remind you of each other and the relationship or commitment that is being undertaken. The following is a review of suitable gifts for your boyfriend so that he will always remember you and still miss you even though he is far away.

1. Watches

A watch is a very useful and valuable object. This is also synonymous with masculine men. Of course, it is also necessary to choose a watch design that is suitable for men. Don’t just choose a watch casually, because this can also make him unhappy.

You can give your partner a watch that will make him remember you every time he looks at his watch. He will see it frequently and it is quite effective as a reminder to him about you.

2. Coffee Glass

Drinking coffee can be one of the favorite activities for most men, maybe your boyfriend is also one of those people. Coffee lovers can brew coffee many times, or even finish their coffee in a relatively long time.

This means that the coffee cup you give him can be a friend who is always there when he needs coffee to accompany his busy life, and when he looks at the cup, he will think of you. So it’s clear that a coffee cup is a suitable gift for your boyfriend.

3. Shirt

Shirts are the type of clothing most often worn by men. It would be better if you choose a type of shirt that can be worn at various types of events. That way, the shirt you gave will be used more often for various events.

Choose good materials and colors you like. Don’t just put your taste first when choosing a shirt for your girlfriend. You can also buy your partner a shirt that will give more impressions and memories of you when you are apart.

4. Photo

It is very common for photos to be one of the gift for boyfriend when they are going on a date with each other, especially if it is for a long time. This is because the printed photos will be more impressive. You can print photos that are small enough to be stored in your wallet.

This will make your partner immediately think of you and increase the feeling of longing for him when he opens his wallet. The first thing he saw was your face, which was being photographed together with him. You can also make very popular Polaroid photos. The impression created by Polaroid photos is usually more unique and has a vintage feel. The small size is easy to store in your wallet and carry anywhere.

With this size, you can also ask him to store Polaroid or small photos in places other than your wallet. It can be used in a transparent cellphone chase, made into cellphone accessories or other accessories, and much more.

5. Electronic Equipment Accessories

Accessories are not only made to beautify your motorbike or dressing table. It can also be made to be installed in electrical devices. For example, you can make a custom key chain made from photos or miniature dolls of the two of you.

Other functions of this accessory are various; it can be used as decoration, but also useful as an anti-scratch to protect your cellphone from scratches that damage its function and appearance. You can print photos with your partner on a scratch-resistant cellphone case.

You can also make camera cases if your boyfriend is a photographer. You can make a custom camera hanger in his favorite color, or you can make a special decoration for the lens cover. That way he will immediately remember you when he brings his camera for photo hunting.

6. Perfume

A memorable gift that you can give to your boyfriend is perfume. This is one of the gifts that is easy and practical, and the most used every day. You can look for a distinctive or unique perfume, or you can adjust it to the type of fragrance your partner likes according to their character and nature.

Choosing perfume as a memorable gift is very effective because just like songs, fragrances will also bring up more specific and good memories. You can choose the type or brand of perfume that your partner often wears so that he uses it more often. When he uses it, of course, he will always remember you.

All these types of gift for boyfriend are the most common choices. The most important thing is that you adjust the brand and specifications that best suit your girlfriend’s tastes.

You can also use more attractive and premium gift packaging to create a deep impression of sincerity. Come on; give the best gift to your partner!

The Impact of Natural Elements in Classroom Design

Humans have evolved in the natural world for millions of years, surrounded by organic shapes, curves, and the calming presence of greenery. However, modern buildings often lack these natural elements, causing stress and a feeling of disconnection from nature.

In fact, incorporating natural elements such as Sukabumi tiles can further enhance the learning environment. Sukabumi tiles, known for their unique green color and natural aesthetic, are often used in outdoor spaces like swimming pools and garden areas. However, their calming and visually appealing properties make them an excellent choice for bringing a touch of nature indoors.

Many teachers may not realize how a rigid and cluttered classroom can negatively affect children’s behavior, attention, and ability to learn. Sitting at desks for long periods and lack of movement can also be problematic, yet very few schools take action to address these issues.

It’s important to prioritize children’s well-being and make changes in classroom design to support their learning and development.

The Benefits of Having Natural Element In Classroom

Although we understand that outdoor play and experiencing nature are extremely beneficial for a child’s overall development, it’s not common to find schools actively discussing how to incorporate nature into the classroom.

In fact, applying natural elements in children’s classes will provide many benefits. So, here are some of the benefits that can be obtained by applying natural elements to your child’s classroom design.

Visual Interest

Integrating natural elements like Sukabumi tiles in the classroom creates visual interest, adding depth and variety to the learning environment. The presence of natural elements such as plants, rocks, or artwork inspired by nature can captivate children’s attention and make the space more visually appealing.

Imagination and Curiosity

Natural elements transport children into a world of beauty and wonder, igniting their imagination and fueling their curiosity. Being surrounded by nature-inspired elements can inspire storytelling, creative play, and exploration, fostering a sense of wonder and a desire to learn.

Stress Reduction

The inclusion of natural elements in the classroom helps reduce learning stress and pressure. Research suggests that exposure to natural environments has a calming effect on individuals, promoting relaxation and enhancing overall well-being.

By creating a classroom environment that mimics elements of nature, students can experience a sense of tranquility and find refuge from the demands of academic life.

Look also : Differences Between Typeface and Fonts

Environmental Awareness

Incorporating natural elements in the classroom encourages children to care for nature and develop respect for living things. When students are consistently surrounded by natural elements in their classroom, something remarkable happens.

They begin to develop a genuine appreciation for the environment, gaining firsthand knowledge about the significance of conservation. This exposure to nature nurtures a sense of responsibility within them, fostering a deep commitment to protecting and preserving our natural world.

It’s through this immersive experience that students truly grasp the interconnectedness between themselves and their surroundings, leading them to adopt a sustainable and mindful approach to living.

Discovery, Creativity, and Problem-Solving

Natural elements foster discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and STEM education. Interacting with nature-inspired materials and objects stimulates children’s curiosity, encourages them to explore, experiment, and make observations. This hands-on engagement with natural elements enhances critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and encourages a scientific mindset.

Tactile Skills and Coordination

Natural elements provide more tactile stimulation for children, helping them improve their hand/finger awareness and coordination. Through activities involving natural materials like sand, rocks, or shells, children can refine their fine motor skills, develop hand-eye coordination, and enhance their tactile sensitivity.

How to Add Natural Elements to Classroom Design

There are several ways to create nature atmosphere in classroom. One of the way is to add natural elements. How to do that? Let’s find out.

Abundance of Plants

Introduce a diverse array of plants throughout the classroom to create a lush and inviting environment. Consider incorporating different types of plants, such as foliage plants, flowering plants, and even small trees if space permits.

Plants not only add visual interest but also purify the air, improve indoor humidity levels, and provide a sense of tranquility. Encourage students to take part in plant care, fostering a sense of responsibility and connection to nature.

Natural Materials for Furniture

Select furniture made from natural materials to enhance the overall aesthetic and comfort of the classroom. Wooden furniture, crafted from sustainable sources, brings a warm and organic feel to the space.

Look for furniture pieces that highlight the natural grain and texture of the wood, showcasing its beauty and uniqueness. Incorporate natural fibers such as rattan or wicker for seating options, providing a cozy and relaxed seating experience.

Use Natural Stone in Wall Decoration

Choose natural stone accents like the Sukabumi tiles to create captivating wall features within the classroom. Stone cladding or decorative panels can be strategically placed to add texture and a sense of depth.

Consider using stones with varying colors and patterns, such as slate, limestone, or travertine, to evoke a natural and visually appealing backdrop. These stone elements not only contribute to the aesthetic appeal but also provide durability and a timeless charm.

Flooring from Natural Stones

Install natural stone flooring to add elegance and durability to the classroom. Options like marble, granite, or limestone offer a timeless beauty that can withstand heavy foot traffic.

Natural stone flooring provides a seamless and visually pleasing surface, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the space. The coolness of the stone underfoot also adds a sense of grounding and can create a comfortable environment for students.

Nature Scents

Introduce nature-inspired scents to engage the senses and create a pleasant atmosphere. Consider using essential oils or natural scented candles with fragrances like fresh citrus, soothing lavender, or invigorating pine.

The gentle aroma of these scents can promote a sense of well-being, relaxation, and focus within the classroom. Use scent diffusers or natural air fresheners strategically placed to disperse the fragrances evenly throughout the space.

Outdoor Learning Spaces

Extend the classroom into the outdoors by creating dedicated outdoor learning spaces. Designate areas for gardening, nature observation, or hands-on exploration.

Provide seating options like benches or picnic tables to facilitate outdoor lessons, discussions, or group activities. Outdoor learning spaces allow students to directly engage with the natural environment, fostering a deeper connection and appreciation for the world around them.

Natural Lighting

Maximize the use of natural light by allowing ample sunlight to enter the classroom. Arrange furniture and learning areas near windows to take advantage of the natural daylight, which has been shown to improve mood, productivity, and overall well-being.

Consider using light-colored window coverings or sheer curtains to diffuse the sunlight and create a soft, inviting ambiance.

Nature-inspired Artwork

Aside from implementing Sukabumi tiles as natural touch, you can also add display artwork featuring nature-inspired themes or images throughout the classroom. Use paintings, photographs, or prints that depict landscapes, animals, plants, or natural patterns.

These visuals can evoke a sense of wonder, stimulate imagination, and inspire students to connect with the natural world. Encourage students to create their own nature-inspired artwork to foster creativity and self-expression.

Differences Between Typeface and Fonts

When you are writing an article or writing your thesis, there is one important thing you should consider, and that is fonts. Fonts are the type of alphabetical style that you want to use in your documents, and there is typeface too. In this article, we would show you the difference between typeface and fonts, and show you some of the best signature fonts to use for each document.

If you like to know more about fonts used in Microsoft Word, or document use, then you have come to the right place. You might also like our other articles here about the best signature fonts and our other articles regarding the best calligraphy fonts. Click on the link below to see more about the best fonts to use in every situation, document, and the best signature you can use.

Differences between Typeface and Fonts

Most people think that Typeface is the same as fonts, and both of them are synonymous, however, they are two different things. Now, we are going to explain to you the differences between typeface and fonts, and also explain the best way to implement both of them.

Typeface refers to a particular style of document lettering, while a font refers to variations and the typeface of the alphabets or numbers it uses, like the size and weight of each alphabet. The simple way to understand these two is that a typeface is generally a set of fonts with common same aesthetic qualities, like size, styling, and weight for each alphabet.

Description of Typeface

Most of the time, when people refer to fonts, they actually refer to typeface, but the title is stuck, and people still call it with font, like with the Times New Roman, Arial, and Helvetica, so they are not a font, but typeface. For the sake of simplicity, many people however still referring this as a font.

The typeface is essentially the design features for each font, with a particular weight, height, and style of each lettering, down to alphabets and numbering. Other things such as the serif, height, width, and aesthetic embellishment are also aspects of the typeface.

Fonts Description

Fonts in themselves are a specific way of defining what kind of text you use, and the styling you use for the lettering. The font is specific, which means the size, and weight of the typeface is the font in general. There are also several different variations, and types of fonts, with some of the best signature fonts for specific use.

Generally speaking, fonts vary from the typeface, as it is a more specific use for size, weight, width, italics, bolds, and many other factors.

What are some selections of signature fonts you can pick from Microsoft Word? If you like to know more about the best fonts to use, and free fonts format download, you can click on the link in our article to get into our website and download the fonts directly into your Microsoft Word. See also our other articles, regarding the best signature fonts and calligraphy fonts.

6 Simple Ways to Become Irresistibly Attractive

Today we are going to tell you how to become irresistibly attractive with 12 simple tips that you might like to know. For those who might have problems with their looks, we might have a simple solution to crack your problem without having to spend lots of time and money.

We can make you have very different looks by only using an undercut hair as your main hairstyle. So, if you are the person who happens to have this kind of problem, you might like to read this article.

Simple Tips to Unleash your Inner Beauty

Having a good look for men is important. But, of course, many of them think, to have that kind of look, they need to spend lots of money. You can bring new different looks to yourself, without having to spend lots of money and time.

We are going to tell you about 6 undercut hair that you might like and maybe can be a solution for you who wants to have different looks in a very simple way.

Having good looks on you could help you to change people’s perspective on you and also could be something that might help you when you looking for a job or when you apply for your job application. That’s why having a good look is very important in every way.

For you might want to know how you can have very good looks without having to spend lots of time, you need to read this article, because we have 6 tips for a haircut that you might like and it could be something that you can try on you to unleash your inner beauty.

Well, enough about the chit-chat, you can find one of the best haircuts that suit you in the following tips below. Read very carefully and you might be able to find what are you looking for.

6 Choices of Haircut you Need to Know

If you want to look way more attractive, there are many things that you can do and of course, changing your hairstyle is one of the best options that you might like. Changing the haircut is the simplest way to bring up the new attractive looks on you.

But, of course, to make it happen you need to find the perfect hairstyle or haircut. We might have the 6 best choices of haircuts that you can choose. Here are the 6 best choices of haircuts that you can choose.

  1. Undercut with Line Accent

This hairstyle focuses on the top. Then on the side is given the effect of a longitudinal line at the top or even the bottom. This line accent will give you a contemporary impression and add some masculine elements.

  1. Undercut Men’s Haircut with Faux Hawk

The faux hawk model will show you the top hair that tappers upwards. A medium cut will be enough to give your hair a macho impression. To maximize this kind of hairstyle, you must use pomade to make it look neater. In addition, the pomade will help you to maintain the shape a little bit longer.

  1. Undercut with Medium Hair Length

The medium-length hair made in this undercut combination model will give a thick and neat impression. You need to use hairspray to make it easier to style, last longer, and look less greasy.

  1. Undercut on Colored Hair

This model can be combined with various colors. You can explore any hair colors that can fit you. You can start with platinum blonde, pink, maple red, and anything.

  1. Man Bun with Undercut

You can try this style combination. The style is usually used by famous soccer stars like Cristiano Ronaldo or even Bale. This hairstyle will give a cool impression and also an appearance.

  1. Undercut on Curly Hair

Curly hair is very suitable to be styled using an undercut model. With the character of expanding curls, it will look neater and deflated with this hairstyle. So you will look more macho and attractive by using this undercut style

Those are the best and simple 6 hairstyles that you might like and also capable to bring new looks to yourself without having to do many things that may waste your time. Those are the 6 undercut hair that could bring attractive looks to yourself.

If you still looking for the best undercut hair you can choose one of those 6 haircut styles that might be perfect for you and you also need to know if you want to find the perfect one you need to choose the one that could perfectly fit with your head shape.

Production, Refining, and Distribution of Palm Oil

Indonesia is a country that produces the largest palm oil in the world. Even palm oil from Indonesia can meet the needs of various industrial sectors around the world.

No wonder the number of palm oil exports to foreign countries continues to grow. Because palm oil dominates several important industries and palm oil made in Indonesia is one of the best.

There is so many palm oil mill in Indonesia in Indonesia. Such as in Palembang, Riau, North Kalimantan, North Sumatra and surrounding areas. No wonder Indonesia can produce millions of tons of palm oil every year.

Palm oil is a raw material that has many uses. Starting from food raw materials, toothpaste, cosmetics, shampoo, and biodiesel.

But do you know how the process of making palm oil is until the distribution process?

Palm Oil Production Process and Distribution

The beginning of palm oil production starts from oil palm seeds. So oil palm plants have a productive period of 25 to 30 years. This is why seed selection is a determining factor for palm oil quality.

Seeds planted in nurseries will go through an intensive maintenance process for 8 months during their growth period. After that, the seeds are transferred to the garden.

The following is the process of producing palm oil:

  • Factory Process

Previously, oil palm seeds had to go through a process in the nursery area for up to 12 months. After that, it was transferred to an oil palm plantation.

If it has passed 30 months, then the palm oil plant is ready to be harvested. Palm oil mill in Indonesia use tools that have been sterilized for the process of making coconut oil.

First, oil palm trees must go through a threshing process, namely cutting the fruit containing the fruit and releasing it from the bunch trunk. After that, the factory sterilizes the bunches by using high temperatures so that the fruit can be released.

After the fruit is released from the shell, then the oil palm fruit will be squeezed to take crude palm oil (CPO). Meanwhile, the palm kernels will be cracked and the kernels squeezed to extract palm kernel oil (PKO).

This process uses a pressing machine with high pressure to produce oil from palm fruit. After that, the resulting oil will go through a process of oil extraction and drying.

  • Refinery

After the fruit is extracted, the oil will then go through a process of refining. Oil palm fruit will be processed into two main products, namely CPO which is extracted from the pulp, and PKO which is extracted from hard seeds.

The fruit will go through a pressing process so that the CPO can come out and the oil will be filtered and purified to be free from contamination.

After that, the CPO will be transferred to a processing plant where it can be processed into vegetable oil, oleochemicals used in detergents, biodiesel, and lauric acid used in cosmetics.

Palm oil mill in Indonesia will process CPO into the main raw material for several products that are often used by humans. Meanwhile, to produce PKO, the oil produced from crushed seeds will go through a refining process and be made into medicinal and cosmetic products.

  • Distribution

Oil already stored in refineries will be distributed worldwide. This distribution process must also use tools that have been sterilized so that palm oil is not contaminated.

In making palm oil, palm oil mill in Indonesia use high temperatures to produce clear oil. So it is very important to cleanliness during the distribution process.

Because palm oil is the main ingredient in food that should be clean and safe for consumption.

4 Most Common Mistakes When Buying a New Motorcycle

When you decide to buy a new motorbike, it turns out that there are many things that we must pay attention to. Because many mistakes are made by new motorcycle buyers when buying a motorcycle.

For example, you want to have a Honda grom sidecar but the roads or the area where you live do not support this vehicle. Of course, this is a mistake you make when buying a new motorbike.

Mistakes When Buying a New Motorcycle

Here are some mistakes that are often made by new motorcycle buyers:

  1. Ignoring Your Skills

This is most often done by new buyers. Because they see people around them using good motorbikes, we also want to have them.

Moreover, there are many choices of motorbikes that have high specifications and must be driven with high skill. Often, we prefer style to buy a motorbike according to our expertise.

If you have a dream motorbike, there’s nothing wrong with buying it. But you must first improve your skills when driving it.

  1. Unsuitable Specifications

The next mistake that is most often made is buying a motorbike without looking at the specifications just because you want to imitate someone else’s motorbike. When buying a motorbike, we must see whether the specifications of the motorbike are following our expertise, the streets where we live and others.

For example, you want to buy a Honda grom sidecar but the roads in your area don’t support it, then this is a mistake you made.

If you want to buy a grom sidecar, you need to live in an area that has good roads and safe terrain. Because you can bring your favorite animal or friend to sit next to your motorbike.

  1. Don’t Try the Vehicle When You First Buy It

Even if you buy a used motorbike, it would be better if you try it first. Or if you buy it at a dealer, you can try to ride it.

The purpose of trying it the first time is to adjust to your body. Often, we buy a motorcycle but our bodies are not comfortable.

Also check if you can reach the clutch, brake, or other. Also, pay attention to the riding position whether you are comfortable or not.

Don’t be too excited to buy a motorbike that you don’t feel comfortable using while riding. Because driving comfort is the main key to safety.

  1. Not Knowing How to Care

Maintenance is something that is often overlooked when buying a new motorbike. Even though you can ask the salesperson regarding the maintenance of the motorbike you are going to buy.

If you don’t know how to take care of your motorbike, then you will have a lot of problems. For example, you buy a Honda grom sidecar but you don’t ask how it is maintained.

Then there can be many problems such as brakes, seats and other things that need attention. This mistake is most often made because you feel you can take care of your vehicle.

Five Safety Features of Lifted Trucks

It all started around the 1970s when people started to modify Pickup trucks and a decade later, the massive structured trucks were produced with advanced features. These kinds of trucks are mainly used to pull other smaller trucks and mud bogging. Then later we know that Truck Dispatch Service mostly uses modified trucks which are called Lifted Trucks.

Many Trucks Dispatch business owner tends to modify their vehicles with bigger and taller wheels. Sadly, some of the truck owners modified their vehicles for aesthetic appeal rather than for their functions. This action is not only distasteful but also dangerous for the truck drivers and other drivers on the road.

Some Safety Features of Lifted Trucks

You can modify your trucks as an appeal for your Truck Dispatch Service business, as long as they still meet all the road requirements in your city and country. It is your biggest responsibility to drive a safe vehicle that will not danger yourself and other drivers. That is why, you have to keep paying attention to the safety features of your Lifted Trucks, no matter no much you modify them.

  1. The brakes

One of the most essential features of a vehicle is its brakes. As the wheels of your truck are taller and bigger than other kinds of rides, it is important to keep upgrading the brake system. The big size of wheels will increase the rotor sizes and the calliper so that you have to make sure the brake system no matter your truck is moving or not.

  1. The bumper

The second safety feature you have to pay attention to from your Lifted Truck is the height of the bumper. Lifted trucks are quite high and huge compared to other vehicles that are why the height of the bumper on Lifted trucks is mostly 20 inches taller than another bumper, especially car bumpers.

  1. The shock absorber

Lifted trucks have a huge size that needs an efficient braking system to avoid shock while braking. To make it safer for the driver, Mono Tube shocks with the reservoir cylinder must be attached. The shock absorber must be attached to the Lifted Trucks from one side to avoid dangerous damping because of the shocks.

  1. The driveshafts

Another safety feature that you need to make sure of on your Lifted Trucks is the drive shafts of pinion angle. The ideal measurement for this safety feature is around 2 up to ½ degrees. It is important to get the drive shafts of pinion angle with the right measurement, especially when the truck is being lifted.

  1. Mirrors and car cameras

You understand that Lifted Trucks are giant vehicles with a taller height compared to other vehicles. The high position of the drivers makes the drivers hard to see down and other shorter vehicles that are moving around the trucks. One and more ways to make the drivers easier to see a wider view, you can add extra mirrors or car cameras to give a wider view to the driver.

Driver Skill Improvement

The list before is some safety features of Lifted Trucks that drivers and truck owners must pay attention to keep the driving safe. Besides the safety features, the most important thing to keep the driving safe is the driver’s skill.

If you are running a Trucking business, you are responsible to be a good and licensed driver who understands the laws driving in your area. Instead of modifying your Lifted Trucks for aesthetic appeal, your driver skill and safety features of your Lifted Trucks are more important than that.

As Lifted Trucks are big, it is not easy to drive on a small road and even on a wide road. The driver skill is really important to keep your Truck Dispatch Service running well.

How To Choose an Oil Filtration System That Suit The Best For You

Oil filtration is an important part of the industrial world, especially the oil industry Best Parker Distributor Indonesia. Although it is said to be important, oil infiltration is often underestimated and underestimated. Unknowingly, many oil industries suffer massive losses simply because they do not pay attention to the oil filtration system.

How To Choose an Oil Filtration System?

Some special criteria need to be taken into account in choosing a good filtration system. Even though the filtration system owned by company A is running smoothly, it may not necessarily be applied to company B. Therefore, we need to choose a good filtration system for the company, here are things to consider in choosing a good filtration system.

  1. Operating temperature

One of the first factors to consider when choosing a good oil filtration is the operating temperature. As we know the oil industry uses very high temperatures. So that the oil is protected from disturbing microbes, please use clear oil, not oil with a lot of impurities.

Squeezing the Oil from the fruit also requires using high temperatures to soften it and kill the enzymes. So that the entire oil processing process from start to finish uses high temperatures. Therefore we need to choose an oil filtration system that can withstand temperatures commonly used in a company. For example, if an oil refinery reaches a temperature of 150 F, the filtration system used must be able to withstand that temperature or hold a higher temperature it will be better.

  1. Flow rate

The rate in the oil industry especially infiltration systems means the amount of oil flowing per unit time through the filtration system. Before buying and choosing a filtration system for your company, you need to know the flow rate of the filtration. If the flow rate is too slow it will result in a buildup of residue.

The buildup of residue that occurs will certainly be detrimental, one of which is the residue that accumulates can go to the filtered oil, then the accumulated residue can also cause the filtration system to collapse. Therefore you need to determine the filtration with a flow rate that suits your company.

  1. Appropriate technology

Next, there is a technological factor, the right technology makes oil processing, especially in oil filtration, better. Although modern technology is always better among you still have to adapt it to the circumstances of your company. You must choose the most suitable penology used in oil processing in your company.

The technology in oil filtration Best Parker Distributor Indonesia focuses solely on removing the varnish content. In the oil industry, the varnish is an undesirable part of pure oils. If the pure oil produced can contain oil varnish, it can even be said to be not good and have low selling power. Therefore some technologies make varnish removal so that the varnish does not mix into the pure oil. But in some cases, the selection of the wrong technology in your company’s work system will make the varnish get into the oil.

The three factors above are the most important in choosing a good filtration system for your company Best Parker Distributor Indonesia. So that you can produce pure and highly marketable oil. Be careful not to be tempted by cheap products but you regret it, it’s okay to spend more money to get satisfactory results.

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