4 Best Coffee Brewing Techniques

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Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. Even globally, around 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day.

Anyone would want to enjoy good coffee, whether just an ordinary connoisseur or a coffee addict. If you don’t have time to enjoy coffee directly in a cafe, brew your coffee at home.

How to Brew The Perfect Cup of Coffee

These tips are divided into four techniques that you can choose according to the tools you have, such as Aeropress, auto-drip, Chemex, and French press. You can also get quality coffee brewing kits at www.coffeereliever.com.

Prepare Tools and Materials

Just like making any food or drink, the most important thing is to prepare the tools and ingredients to brew coffee.

1. Use quality coffee beans

Coffee beans have a strong taste and aroma, but they diminish after roasting. The way to choose quality coffee beans is to look at the roasting date of the coffee beans on the packaging. The newer the date printed on the packaging, the stronger the aroma of the coffee beans.

2. Choose the Right Grinder

The grinder will produce consistent coffee. If you don’t have a proper grinder, it will affect the extraction speed and taste of the coffee. The larger the grind size, the longer the brew time will be. The process of grinding using a grinder is very important for you to know because the particle size must be precise.

3. The Right Water Temperature

When brewing coffee, it’s a good idea to measure the exact temperature of the water using a thermometer. A good temperature of boiling water for brewing coffee is about 195° to 205° F.

4. Weigh Coffee and Water

The ratio between the weight of the coffee and the amount of water also needs to be considered to produce the perfect coffee brew.

5. Good Timing

Use a timer to ensure that your coffee is brewed at the right time, not too much or too little.

Choose a Coffee Brewing Technique

As explained earlier that four techniques can be used to brew the perfect coffee. Whichever technique you choose while using it the right way, your coffee will be perfect.


  1. Heat the water first, making sure it is 205°F when pouring it over the coffee.
  2. Grind 20 grams of coffee beans, with a little finer than a paper filter.
  3. Turn the Aeropress upside down and wet the paper filter with hot water.
  4. Add the ground coffee, pour 205°F water over it, and pour until almost full (about 250+ ml).
  5. Stir for about 10-12 seconds.
  6. Heat the cup, and press the Aeropress slowly, stopping before the last remnants.
  7. Serve

Auto Drip

  1. Grind the coffee beans, to a medium fine level.
  2. Use a paper filter, then put it in the basket and wet it using hot water.
  3. The water that flows into the teapot is then discarded.
  4. If you want to make four 6-oz cups of coffee, then use 6 tablespoons of coffee grounds and 24 oz of cold water.
  5. Put ground coffee in the filter and pour cold water into the reservoir to filter.
  6. Press start.


Brewing coffee using the Chemex technique means that the size of the ingredients used must be adjusted. If you use Chemex 6 cups, apply the following recipe:

  • 50gr coffee
  • 466gr of water
  • 234gr ice cubes
  • filters for Chemex
  • digital scales

The brewing steps are:

  1. Heat the brewed water, and use a digital scale to determine the temperature.
  2. Clean the Chemex filter for 5-10 seconds with water. Discard the water and place the filter in a clean container.
  3. Add ice cubes, then put the filter on Chemex.
  4. Put the coffee grounds on the filter paper.
  5. Carefully pour the water using the pitcher over the coffee grounds.
  6. Remove the filter, then serve coffee.

French Press

  1. Make sure the water to be used is not contaminated with other substances and flavors.
  2. Use fresh and new coffee.
  3. Grind the coffee beans to be brewed.
  4. Usually 18 – 20 grams of coffee for 8 ounces of water is the right size for beginners. If you want a stronger taste, add more coffee or less water.
  5. Use water at 195°F.
  6. Put the coffee powder into the French press, and pour boiling water. Wait for 30 seconds and then stir carefully.
  7. Pour the remaining water to start the brewing process.
  8. Make sure the brewing process is at the right time, about 4 minutes to produce the perfect coffee brewing taste.
  9. After the brewing process is complete, press the plunger carefully so that the coffee does not spray out.
  10. Serve coffee.

If there are leftovers, pour the coffee into another container. Don’t leave it in the French press.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that the taste of the coffee you brew will immediately taste as good as that made by a professional barista, but with practice and the right dose, as well as the timeliness you use, you can make the perfect brew of coffee every day.